One Night at Crossover Heck Wiki

Michelle Amberson is the main protagonist of One Night At Crossover Heck. She is the player character in most of the ONACH games except ONACH 4: Tetraphobia and One Night At Crossover Heck 7.


One Night At Crossover Heck 1

you play as her (no shit)

One Night At Crossover Heck 2

you play as her (no shit)

One Night At Crossover Heck 3

you play as her (no shit)

ONACH 4: Tetraphobia

She doesn't appear in this game and is only briefly mentioned. Instead, you play as her younger brother, Lucas.


  • Michelle is 15 at the start of the timeline. She changes throughout the games as they span through different years.
  • Michelle is a pro skateboarder. The reason why she doesn't use a skateboard to escape Crossover Heck is because she didn't bring one.
  • Michelle is bisexual and was in a relationship with her now deceased boyfriend, Evan.